Branch Kids Car Talk

Queen Esther 

In this week’s Bible story, Mordecai turned to Esther for help. After all, she was in a position of power, and the Jews were her people. The stakes were high, but Esther approached the king and explained her people’s plight. Review the details in Esther 7.

Note how Esther described Haman: “The adversary and enemy is this evil Haman” (Esth. 7:6). We too have an adversary—the Devil. He prowls around like a lion, seeking people to devour. (1 Pet. 5:8) He loves nothing more than to destroy believers and hinder the work of God. Satan thought he had succeeded when Jesus died on the cross, but God—working frequently behind the scenes—raised Jesus from the dead and defeated Satan once and for all. (See Heb. 2:14-15.)

  • What is an adversary? 
    • One who wants to harm us - an enemy
  • Who is our adversary? 
    • the Bible tells us that Satan is our adversary
  •  Who rescues us from the adversary? 
    • Jesus!! We do not have to live in fear because Jesus has already won and He protects us!
  • Take a minute and thank God for the example of Esther trusting God and praise God for sending Jesus who died on the cross and rose again! He saves us!!