Love the Brokenhearted Activity
Love the Brokenhearted
READ: Matthew 5:1-12 -
REFLECT: (Page 84 Jesus Next Door)
PRAY: (Page 84 Jesus Next Door)
EXPERIENCE THE STORY: Pray for the Brokenhearted
REFLECT: (Page 84 Jesus Next Door)
- What is making you feel sad or brokenhearted? Have you talked to God about it?
- Who is someone you know who is sad and brokenhearted? How can you pray for them?
- Comfort them?
PRAY: (Page 84 Jesus Next Door)
- God, help me turn to You in prayer and with my actions even when when I am brokenhearted.
- God, help me to trust You even when I do not understand what is happening.
- God, help my family and friends turn to You for comfort and peace.
- God, please draw near to those around me who feel brokenhearted.
EXPERIENCE THE STORY: Pray for the Brokenhearted
- Cut a big cross out of paper or cardboard.
- Give everyone a band-aid or two. (if you don't have any to spare, you can just write names on the cross)
- Have everyone think of people who are experiencing heartbreak. This can be within your family, yourself, friends, or the world.
- Write the names of these people on each bandaid or, on the cross.
- As you do this - pray for each person BY NAME - asking God to draw near to them and comfort them according to His promise.
Type your new text here.