Show and Tell Activity

Show and Tell Activity

READ: Luke 10:1-24

  • Jesus told the disciples to go into the nearby village and tell the Good News that the Kingdom of God had come near! But he gave them very specific instructions (paraphrase) "Before you tell them that the Kingdom of God is here, I want you to show them what it looks like." 
  • Sometimes it helps us to see things to believe it. 
  • Think of an action you can do - this can be a dance move, drawing, an exercise movement, singing, etc. Encourage everyone to say what their "action" is. 
  • Now invite everyone to do their "action" 
  • Saying you can do something is fine - but showing what it looks like is awesome! 
  • Jesus wanted the disciples to SHOW the people what the Kingdom of God looks like THEN He told them to talk about it.
  • Actions speak louder than words. 
  • Is it easier for you to show or tell others about Jesus? 
  • Why?
  • How can you show others Jesus' love better this week?

PRAY: (Page 112  Jesus Next Door)
  • God, please help me to be a show AND tell kind of person! 
  • God, give me the power to demonstrate the kingdom with boldness! 
  • God, please help me to declare the kingdom with clearly and kindly to those around me.