Bible Study - WAY MAKER: A Time to Eat and Run

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Sermon-Based Bible Study – September 20, 2020
- What is something God has done for you that you are thankful for or are celebrating? How have you experienced God’s love and faithfulness this week?
- Where are you experiencing stress, anxiety or discouragement? How would you like to see God move in your life or in the life of someone close to you?
- What did you hear in this week’s sermon that was new or particularly interesting? Who would benefit or be interest in hearing about that from you? Did anything stand out to you as puzzling or troubling?
- Read Exodus 12:1-13. Make a list of all the things the Lord told the Israelites to do in observing the first Passover. What might be the significance of the way the Passover lamb was to be cooked? What might be the significance of the dress and posture they were to use while eating the meal?
- Read Hebrews 9:18-22. Chris pointed out that God’s way making involves a covering of blood. What is the connection between the blood covering and the acknowledgment and forgiveness of sin?
- Read Hebrews 12:28 and Romans 3:25. What do you think Chris meant by saying, “you have something to say about whether or not you’re covered by the blood?” How did Moses and the children of Israel express their faith and trust in God as a way maker? How do we express our faith and trust in God as a way maker?
- Read Exodus 12:38. It’s probably fair to say that most people think of the Exodus story as exclusively benefiting the children of Israel. How does this verse challenge that idea? Does this surprise you? Why?
- Read Exodus 12:14; 13:8. Why do you think God wanted the children of Israel to celebrate the Passover every year? What family traditions do you have that you celebrate each year? Are these celebrations done in the same way or in the same place each year?
- Read Luke 22:15-20. What is the connection between Passover and communion, or the Lord’s Supper? How does communion help you when it comes to “bondage” that you need to exodus?
- What is a simple, next step you could take in obedience to what the Spirit is saying to you through this time in the Word? Who would benefit, or be interested in hearing about what you’ve learned in this study?