Bible Study - STRANGERS - The Stones that Cry Out

Sermon-Based Bible Study – November 1, 2020
  1. What is something God has done for you that you are thankful for or are celebrating? How have you experienced God’s love and faithfulness this week?
  2. Where are you experiencing stress, anxiety or discouragement? How would you like to see God move in your life or in the life of someone close to you?
  3. What did you hear in this week’s sermon that was new or particularly interesting? Who would benefit or be interest in hearing about that from you?  Did anything stand out to you as puzzling or troubling?
  4. Read 1 Peter 2:1-10.  What is the connection between the command in verse one and the assumption in verse 4? 
  5. In this passage Peter develops the image of Jesus as the cornerstone.  What is a cornerstone? What do the prophesies that Peter references in this passage say or infer about Jesus?  What was it about who Jesus was or what He did or taught that was difficult for people to accept?  Do you hesitate, balk or stumble over anything about who Jesus is, or what He teaches or calls you to do?
  6. Peter’s initial audience was Jewish believers scattered throughout the Roman Empire and one thing that he seems to be saying in this passage is that the center of your faith isn’t Jerusalem or the Temple – it’s Jesus.  Why might that teaching be relevant or important for us today?
  7. In this passage, how many times is Jesus referred to as precious?  What would you say would be the best evidence that someone considered Jesus to be precious?  What would indicate that someone did not consider Jesus to be precious?
  8. Have you been going about your relationship with Jesus as though He was an “add-on” or have you been seeking to align your life with Him?  If Jesus is your cornerstone, what in your life needs to be brought into alignment with Him (meaning His will, His teachings, His values, etc.)?
  9. This passage refers to Jesus and to his followers as living stones.  If you had a stone, whose name would you write on it that’s your prayer for them to one day be a living stone? 
  10. What is a simple, next step you could take in obedience to what the Spirit is saying to you through this time in the Word?  Who would benefit, or be interested in hearing about what you’ve learned in this study?
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